Czech Republic the Beer Nation

When you say Czech Republic in the world, some people recall Czech hockey and sportsmen, Václav Havel or endless politics affairs. What will pop surely in their heads is undoubtedly Czech beer. Czechs are rightfully nation of beer drinkers. From 2008 Czechs are on the first place in beer consumption. Every Czech drinks unbelievable 160 litres of beer per year, that’s 320 pints even counting small children.

History of beer

History of beer in Czech countries dates back to the end of 10th century to Břevnov monastery. Although archaeological research proved that beer was brewed in the times of Germanic tribes. The oldest record of hop cultivation is charter of Břetislav I. from 1034. Great milestone in beer brewing was foundation of Pilsner Brewery (Měšťanský pivovar v Plzni) in 1842. They used bottom fermentation and this method quickly stepped forward among rivals. It was so popular that this type of beer is called pilsner ever since. That was the start of golden age in Czech beer production. Large breweries started step forward and small breweries perished. In a few years Pilsner was available across whole Europe and a special train loaded with beer departed to Wien every morning.

plzen brewery

Pilsner Brewery front gate

To be a genuine beer drinker, you should know at least basic facts what makes Czech beer so popular. České pivo is a protected geographical indication (PGI) by EU. It marks out thanks to the use of high-quality ingredients from specified regions, classic technology and procedure of production and of course the craft of Czech master brewers. Especially Žatec region provides the world’s best quality hop so essential for brewing. Another essential ingredient is barley for malt, although some brewery may use wheat or other grain.

Pilsner UrquellMost popular Czech beers are lagers of pilsner style. Pilsner Urquell is considered the best among Czechs, but Gambrinus is perhaps the most consumed. Another great brewery is Staropramen, which sets in Prague. In Moravia, Radegast is very popular for its bitter taste. There are also quality beers from small breweries available in pubs and beer specials. Such specials can be found in several joints, for example U Medvídků, where you can taste a 33° beer. A famous restaurant with own brew is U Fleků, where you can taste traditional dark beer with quite similar taste to Guinness. And of course there’s Prague Beer Museum with 30 beers on tap from micro-breweries.
Last but not least beer is great source of vitamin B and since beer in Czech Republic is literally cheaper than water, why not to come and taste for yourself.


Prague The Capital City

Prague is the capital and also the largest city of Czech Republic, which lies in the very heart of Europe surrounded by Germany, Poland, Austria and Slovakia. Prague lies in the centre of Bohemia on Vltava river (Moldau river) and it’s centre of politics, economics, culture, education and science.

pragueCapital city of Prague has an area of 496 km2 and has population over 1.2 million. Historic centre of the city with the unique panorama of Prague Castle and Hradčany is UNESCO World heritage site since 1992. But Prague is generally known as one of the most beautiful historic cities in Europe and thanks to that amply visited by tourists. It’s even one of the most visited sites of Europe.

Prague has many sights, the city centre alone offers over 1200 historic and cultural buildings, overall there are almost 3000. This capital is noted for rich culture happenings. It’s place of many theatres, among them National theatre from 1881 and State Opera from 1888, concert halls like Rudolfinum, but also music and dramatic festivals, for example Prague Spring or Summer Shakespeare fest.

Etymology of Prague’s name

Former name of Prague was Royal city of Prague from 1784, but since 1920 Capital city of Prague is used. In foreign languages we can find Prag, Prague, Praga etc. But where does word Praha originate is subject to many discussions. One of theories is based on derivation from the word “práh” (sill, threshold), but in the mean of “říční práh” (river crossing, ford or rapid). This ford is believed to be in the location, where stands Charles Bridge. Thanks to that the city was built around this ford, it was called Praha. Another view to the origin of name is in Czech legends, where Libuše had the city build on the place, where settler chiselled a threshold of his house.

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Top places in Prague

OrlojPrague Castle: is undoubtedly the most visited sight in Prague. The largest castle complex in the world is home to the St. Vitus Cathedral with Czech crown jewels, Golden Lane, gardens and halls.

Charles Bridge: The oldest standing bridge over Vltava in Prague was built in 1357 upon request of Charles IV. It provides beautiful view over the Prague Castle.

Old Town Square and Orloj: Astronomical clock on the Old Town Square attracts crowds of tourists, which are waiting for show every hour. Twelve Apostles show in two windows while Death is ringing bell. Nearby Týnský chrám (Church of Our Lady before Týn) is another dominant of Old Town.

Municipal House: The finest example of Czech art-nouveau architectural style stands right next to Powder Gate, the very beginning of so called Royal Way.

Vyšehrad: Walled fortification dating to the 10th century and containing several interesting historical sights, such as the Romanesque Rotunda of St. Martin, the Gothic Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, and the Slavin Cemetery, where the nation’s most famous personages are laid to rest.


About Czech Republic

Czech Republic is Central European country for which is nicknamed as the Heart of Europe. Czech beautiful cities and landscapes are as rich as the history that comes with them. No wonder that you can find 12 UNESCO heritage sites in this stunning country.

Czech Republic borders with four countries: Germany, Austria, Poland and Slovakia, which was part of Czechoslovakia before it split up in 1993. It has area of 78 886 km2 and population of 10,2mil. Czech Republic has mountain ranges along borders with every neighbour and highest peak is Sněžka with 1602m in Krkonoše. This conditions result in huge popularity of skiing and winter sports among Czechs. The country has three traditional territories Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia but administratively it has 14 regions. The capital city is well-known Prague which is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Other large cities are Brno, Ostrava and Pilsen, which is famous for the beer industry. In fact it has given name for the pilsner.

History of Czech lands

Karel IV.History of Czech lands dates back to the 9th century when Great Moravian Empire emerged from Slavic tribes. After collapse of Great Moravia in year 907 the centre of progress moved to Bohemia and Prague began to flourish. During the reign of Charles IV. in 14th century the Czech lands experienced great growth and many gothic and renaissance sights where built thanks to this king and Roman emperor. From 1526 House of Habsburg began to rule the country till the end of 1st World War. On 28th October 1918 the Czechoslovakia was established and was one of the most advanced countries in the world. Dark times started in 1938 when Hitler claimed Sudetenland and short after the whole country as Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. After the war Communist Party took over government and for 40 years stayed in charge of everything. Rule of this Party ended with Velvet Revolution in 1989 and modern history of Czech Republic started. Soon after that Czechs and Slovaks split up in 1993. Today Czech Republic is modern advanced country with focus on automobile and, of course, beer industry.

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UNESCO Heritage

„In 1991 Czechoslovakia ratified the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and since then a total of twelve sites in the Czech Republic have been inscribed in the World Heritage List.“ (

In Czech Republic you can visit Historic Centre of Prague, Český Krumlov, Telč, Kutná hora, Pilgrimage Church of St John of Nepomuk at Zelená Hora, Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž, Holašovice Historical Village Reservation, Litomyšl Castle, Holy Trinity Column in Olomouc, Tugendhat Villa in Brno and Jewish Quarter and St Procopius’ Basilica in Třebíč.

More information in short video by CzechTourism.

Cheap flight to Czech republic you can find here!

Prague Food Festival

Prague Food Festival is traditional open-air three-day celebration of food. On this 8th year it will offer great dishes, best chefs, top-class businesses, producers of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and delicacies. It will take place in the Royal Garden of Prague Castle, the place of original medieval vineyards.

Motto of this year: “Don’t eat, don’t drink and don’t live badly”

PFFThis year takes place on 23rd – 25th May and for the first time Prague’s and top regional restaurants from national survey Grand Restaurant 2014 partake in PFF. For example restaurant Šupina from South Bohemian Třeboň, the inventor of unique delicacy carp chips. From Prague KOBE with its aged beef, Yasmin Noodles with a 130-pound swordfish.

You can expect to taste catfish goulash from Svět pond, grilled pork from Přeštice, La Pissaladiere – typical French savoury cake, vegan sushi with fresh wasabi, whipped lamb pâté with rosehip jelly, pork cheeks, pork belly, crispy black pudding and many more. In the atmosphere of Royal Garden you’ll also get a chance to experience special menu prepared by chefs with Michelin Star.

As for drinks you can refresh yourselves with non-alcoholic beverages from portfolio of Kofola, which started in 1960 as a Czech substitute of Coca Cola. A rich collection of Moravian wines from small winemakers but also special selection of foreign wines from Premier Wines company will be ready for visitors. And since this is Czech Republic there will be Bohemian and Moravian regional beers and beer specialities from Lobkowicz brewery.

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If you want to visit Prague Food Festival you need a valid ticket. Tickets can be bought online or directly at entrance, but since the capacity is limited online ticket for exact time is recommended. Ticket prices are 450 Kč for online ticket and 500 Kč at entrance. Each ticket includes 300 Kč that can be spent in form of Grands (special currency of PFF). One Grand is 30 Kč so it gives you 10 Grands. These coupons can be bought even separately if you want to try more specialities.

More info:

Come and let your taste buds experience great food. See you there!

Best Beer Pubs in Prague

We Czechs don’t like to drink beer that tastes like rot-gut. So it’s only for greater good to recommend our visitors, where to find best beer in Prague. Other important thing is atmosphere in restaurant, because in friendly and hospitable places are high standards of bar and kitchen.

Interesting fact is that in Prague people prefer a little colder beer than usual. Temperature is about 3°C, while typical is 6°C. Also there’s difference between Bohemia and Moravia in how to tap beer. Bohemians prefer beer tapped at once, while the other in three cycles, which makes thick head.

Best Pilsner in Prague

Malostranská beseda

Cosy restaurant right on Malostranské náměstí (Lesser Town Square) can be a nice refreshment checkpoint before hike to the Prague Castle through Nerudova Street. Local bartenders really understand Pislner beer. Their service is perfect and when you drink two quick beers it’s a taste of joy.


Pleasant modern restaurant and bar for youngsters. You can easily sit here till 3 am and meet various groups of people from teenagers to actors, musicians and beer experts. This place is hidden in mysterious streets not far from National Theatre and Bethlehem Square.Lokal


Group of pubs with brilliant beer and food typical for serving with beer. But be aware on weekend it gets really like really crowded in here. Across Prague you can find four of these alehouses, but shortly there will be fifth. One can be found in Dlouhá Street, where are numerous pubs and clubs.

U Zlatého tygra

Right on the way from Old Town Square to Charles Bridge is another pub with good beer in Prague. The atmosphere in here breaths out old history of Old Town. Also it was meeting place of Czech elite and even US president Bill Clinton visited this place with Václav Havel. And the prices in here are very favourable.


Kolkovna is also a group of restaurants with excellent beer. It’s very similar to Lokál and gets overcrowded as well. Local kitchen offers meals from cheese selection to roasted duck. Most popular with best beer is at Celnice on Náměstí republiky.
