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    Bublanina – Cherry Sponge Cake

    Bublanina is a classic sponge cake baked during summer season. Mainly during season of cherries, strawberries and other berries. You can say that this sponge cake can be made with almost every fruit from people’s gardens – cherry, plums, strawberries, raspberries, peaches and so on. It’s fluffy and ideal with your afternoon tea or coffee.[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]

    • 350 g of soft wheat flour
    • 6 eggs
    • 100 g of butter
    • 200 g of sugar
    • 1 vanilla sugar
    • 50 g of powdered sugar
    • baking powder
    • 400 g of cherries


    [directions title=”Directions”]

    1. Mix butter with sugar and vanilla sugar and gradually add yolks.
    2. Whip egg whites and powdered sugar.
    3. Mix yolk mixture with whipped eggs and flour with baking powder.
    4. Put dough in baking tray (greased and dusted with flour) and lay pitted cherries on top.
    5. Bake in preheated oven 160°C (320°F) for 40 minutes.
    6. Dust with powdered sugar and serve.



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