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    Babovka – Czech Marble Cake

    Czech Bábovka or Marble cake is typical sweet bakery product. Many people remember the time when they were children and there was always a marble cake on their grandmother’s kitchen table. Most people prepare a two-coloured cake with dark and light parts, hence the term marble cake. You can add a lot of ingredients into the dough to make your marble cake unique, e.g. raisins, candied, chocolate or nuts. Marble cake is baked in a special form with a hole in the middle and it is decorated by sprinkling with powder sugar.

    [ingredients title=”Ingredients”]

    • 330g of soft wheat flour
    • 330g of icing sugar
    • 125ml of milk
    • 180g of butter
    • 4 eggs
    • 1 spoon of cocoa
    • 1 spoon of baking soda


    [directions title=”Directions”]

    1. Put softened butter, sugar and yolks to the bowl and stir it together. You can do it manually or use a food processor.
    2. Mix flour, sugar and baking soda together and then add slowly this mix into the yolk mixture and mix it together.
    3. Make whipped egg whites and add it into the dough using spatula.
    4. Separate one third of dough, put there a cocoa and mix it. Now you have a dark part of dough.
    5. Grease a form for a marble cake using butter and then sprinkle the form with flour.
    6. Put one part of the light dough into the form and then the dark dough and finally a rest of the light dough.
    7. Give the form in preheated oven 180°C (F) for 50minutes.
    8. Tip! Use wooden skewer to try if the marble cake is ready. Stick the wooden sticker into the highest place of the cake and if there isn´t a dough on a stick, your marble cake is ready.
    9. Take the form out of the oven and after 5 minutes you can put it out of the form and sprinkle it with sugar.


    Marble Cake Form
    Marble Cake Form


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